New comfortable and practical dining chairs at fci London

Think about how important is dinner for a family! It’s that moment when everybody gathers around the table, spends time together sharing ideas and impressions after a long day. We are sure that the more comfortable you sit, the more relaxed you feel and can enjoy every moment of your dinner.

Having this in mind, we have selected the best and most modern dining chairs produced by well-known brands and now we present them to you hoping to help you choose an item according to your needs and decorating style. fci London is aware of everyone’s needs and tries to fiind the best solutions to reach them all, but doesn’t forget about refinement and good taste.

We have modern dining chairs, very elegant and comfortable, softly padded and covered with refined materials like leather, velvet, eco leather, other fabrics, non-padded, made from wood, polypropylene, metal or polished metal frames, suitable for indoor and outdor use. Some of them are stackable and help you save space. They are perfect matches for dining tables from the same collections.

fci London has built a strong collaboration with with brands like Aria, Bonaldo, Draenert, Calligaris and many more, in the attempt to offer you the best alternatives for seating positions while eating. One of our favorite is Lily dining chair produced by Aria with the highest quality materials and 100% produced in Italy. This exquisite furniture piece is constructed in a enormous number of finishes, materials and colours. It’s easy adaptable to any space or interior decor. We can help you decide which one is the best for you and upon the perfect size. A classical piece reinvented in a modern way is the dining chair from Skovby, made with a vertical slat back dining chair in a modern expression and comfortable seating.

You can see how amazing our products are for yourself. Try one and you will want nothing else!